Thursday, January 12, 2012

Soundtrack for a snowy day: Iron & Wine, Listener, Dear Euphoria, The Civil Wars, & Death Cab for Cutie

It's 2 in the afternoon, and I am still snuggled up in my pjs under a soft blanket with my cuddly Westie sleeping next to me. We had about 2 inches of snow in St. Louis, so I got a snow day! I know what you (Northerners) must be thinking...2 inches does not sound like much.'re right. :) But, the roads were actually really icy and it took some people 3 hours just to get to work, so I am happy to be safe and cozy at home.  In honor of my first snow day of the year, here are some sweet snow inspired tunes to you, from me.  Happy listening. :)